Episode 5

Episode description

Hackers yearn for the number 42. But WHY?

It is week 42, and WHY2025 is happening in 42 weeks, what are the odds 🚀 If you look closely at the hacker scene, this specific 2 digit number pops up everywhere.

Just like other references to works of a specific writer.

Find the sponsorbrochure here: https://wiki.why2025.org/Team:Sponsors

And or send them a email at: sponsor@why2025.org

Where to hack? Ubuntu Summit where you can meet Moem https://events.canonical.com/event/51/

Ubuntu touch: https://ubuntu-touch.io/nl/

Team:Deco https://wiki.why2025.org/Team:Deco

Vacancies! Help out with the WHYcast, mail us at whycast@why2025.org